ibs® International Operative Services eK worldwide security services

ibs® International Operative Services eK stands for innovative, multi-site and specialized consulting and security services for the sustainable protection of private as well as complex commercial and institutional resources.
Regardless of whether the desired advisory services, for example, to
• Safety advice of a general and purely preventive nature
• Consulting services with complete security solutions
• Project consulting as well as project management for the implementation of complex security requirements
• Creation of individual security concepts and their implementation
• Crisis management and risk management
or we for you in the field of operational services
• armed and unarmed personal protection (at home and abroad and especially in crisis regions)
• Logistics services, such as armed and unarmed transport security for military and civil transport projects
• Maritime security through onboard security teams or through training and project design for merchant ships and private / commercial yachts
• Accompaniment during trips abroad and / or their previous planning with previous safety analyzes
• Military Training Services and Military Training Concepts

Due to the more than 30 years of experience of the management and employees of our company in the regulatory and private security sector, we have a keen eye for the essentials and are thus able to meet the requirements and framework conditions for the best possible support of our clients private, commercial or governmental pro-actively defined and ensured.

Further information on our consulting and operational services can be found on our web site https://www.ibs-ops.com/ and we look forward to hearing from you.


Also, we would like to invite you to follow us on social media on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/i.b.s.superyacht/ and Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/i-b-s-international-operative-services/ to get the latest updates and career opportunities.

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